Monday 13 May 2013

Guest Writer - Kerry Murphy

May is National Walking month and all staff have been “armed” with a pedometer.  It is intended that we wear it for one week and it will measure the distance that we have covered in miles/Km.

Donna will be checking in with us on Wednesday to see how we're getting on and by next Monday the walking champion will be crowned.  Of course we are expected to be honest but I have seen some very suspicious activity going on so far not to mention the odd walks and random laps of the office!  

I have even heard of someone going for a 'jog on the sofa' tonight as they demonstrated by furiously shaking their pedometer coupled with a mischievous laugh. 

Staff movements for the week:

Our CEO Barry has a “mainly in the office for meetings week” ahead of him. Apparently he’s finishing off business books like there’s no tomorrow at the moment. He’s just finished” Will it Make the Boat Go Faster” by Ben Hunt-Davis  and he’s firing through “Six Thinking Hats” Edward De Bono too. Watch out world..!
Jayne, our MD, is out this afternoon meeting Orchardville Society. Tomorrow she is attending a BITC engagement workshop in the morning followed by the HR Network in the afternoon. On Wednesday she will be part of the hosting team at the HR Conference at the Ramada. On Friday she will be attending the Young Leaders Conference at the Mac.
Scott has to slum it at the Merchant Hotel in Belfast on Tuesday, where he will be attending a dinner meeting of HR experts to discuss the role of HR during the Troubles. Thursday sees Scott co-chairing the NI HR conference with Paul Fieldhouse of Hyperion Growth. Thursday sees Scott attending the Strategy Team meeting and on Friday Scott hopes to work from home.
Pamela will be attending a Practical Multimedia Production Workshop at WOMENs TEC all day Thursday.  Watch for the next Stephen Spielberg!
I will be hosting at the 5th Annual HR Conference, Ramada, Shawsbridge  on Wednesday along with Kerri who not only will be helping out but attending the day itself as a delegate, Allison is coming along to welcome and organise the exhibitors in the morning and Peter G will be hosting and manning our Legal-Island stand until lunchtime.  A great day of multi tasking!
Training Centre clients this week:
BITC on Tuesday, Schrader on Wednesday and Thursday and Coaching on Friday.
We'll update you next week with the total number of Legal-Island miles walked !!!

Have a great week!

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