Tuesday 4 May 2010

Guest Writer - Jayne Finlay 4th May 2010

Well May is upon us and here comes another busy week on the Island. No rest for the wicked as we all returned from the May Bank Holiday weekend to face a week of conferences, meetings and breakfast seminars and Irish News Award submissions.

Plans for the week ahead -

  • Ainsley is meeting David Smith from Antrim Hospital re: display board advertising and will also be meeting with Kerry and DCI (PR Agency) re: promoting our breakfast seminars
  • Barry is meeting John Stevenson to discuss future Education events
  • Jayne is looking after Antrim Youth Group as they hire out the training room facilities at Island House
  • Competition heats up as the Legal-Island team get ready to put down their red pens and finish critiquing the Irish News Awards entries...I wonder if we can do a repeat of last year...

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