Monday 24 May 2010

Monday 24th May 2010: Guest writer Arnold

Another busy week for Legal-Island. This week we have three events in our training centre. Tuesday 25th May – Managing Underperformance in the Public Sector, Wednesday 26th May - Breakfast Seminar: Positive Problems Solving and Thursday 27th May - Delivering Professional Workplace Investigations.


On Tuesday Peter, Ainsley, Carmel and I will have a consultation with Jane McClenaghan who is a Nutritionist from Vital Nutrition

Scott will be helping to facilitate the ‘Underperformance in the Public Sector’ workshop in our training centre on Tuesday; he will be meeting Elaine Magee and others from Antrim Borough Council on Wednesday about how Legal-Island might help promote their future wellbeing events; and will no doubt be enjoying a healthy lunch when he later meets Emer Hinphey of HR consultants Thinkpeople

Jayne is attending The Loop event at The Galgorm Manor, Ballymena on Tuesday. Elizabeth Turner will be speaking as part of their Leadership Programme. On Wednesday she is attending our breakfast seminar Positive Problem Solving.

Barry is meeting Richard O'Rare for lunch on Wednesday and Sandra from the Loop consultancy on Thursday. On Friday evening he's at Massereene Golf Club in Antrim to hear Karl Morris talk about how to stay calm under pressure.

Busy week ahead!

Monday 17 May 2010

Monday 17th May 2010: Guest writer Jacqui

This week has kicked off with Barry re-enacting scenes from Planes, Trains and Automobiles as he set off for London yesterday to eusure his timely arrival for a meeting there on Tuesday. Jayne however is hoping that the volcanic activity will allow her a window of opportunity to fly over tomorrow morning and meet up with Barry.

Here on the Island, the Breakfast seminars are proving quiet successful and Kerry will be hosting Discover A Life Less Ordinary tomorrow at 8am.

Scott is very busy as he is meeting Adam Brett from McGrigors solicitors; Lorraine McNicoll and others from the Committee for the Administration of Justice; Carmel McCormick and David Johnston of the PSNI tomorrow. He will be attending a luncheon at the Ballymena Chamber of Commerce, where the guest of honour is Frances Hill, Agent for the Bank of England on Wednesday. He will then be in Dublin for our Employment Law in the Public Sector event on Thursday along with Heather and finally he will attend a training event by the Equality Authority on Friday.


Peter will be attending the Belfast City Council Business Advice Show at Hilton Hotel (11 – 2.30pm)
Barry and Jayne will hopefully be back to attend  an IOD North/ South Dinner on Thursday evening at Belfast City Hall.

The Training Rooms are being occupied by Driving Tech this week and part of next week,this will be their third visit to our facility which is great.

To see how we are doing in our efforts to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Society and Brainwaves NI click on to Charity Brain Challenge. We only have 4 weeks left to raise funds and its getting very competitive between the 2 teams.

And Finally...

Good luck to James who will be doing his final accounting exams next week (he hopes!!) and also Julie who is off this week doing Accounting Technician exams.

From all on the Island, we hope you all enjoy the warm weather while it lasts!!


Monday 10 May 2010

Monday 10th May - Guest Writer James

Good Afternoon,

With the entrance hall having the high-wire cleaning treatment recently - attention has now turned to the ground outside. The grass has had its first cut of the year and the landscape gardeners are hard at work sprucing up the entrance to the training suite. Maybe Donna can pick up a couple of goats at the Balmoral Show this week to keep the grass in check!

Events this week:
Tue: Image Matters - Breakfast Seminar (Legal-Island Training Suite, Antrim)
Thu: NI & Irish Employment Law - A Comparison (Hilton Hotel, Belfast)

The NSPCC will be making use of our facilities here on Thursday

Barry: In between honing his memory skills for the challenges ahead, Barry can be found singing along to American Pie at the Waterfront hall tonight. On Friday he's 'going to the dogs' to check out the Drumbo Stadium as a possible venue... the mind boggles! He's also meeting Brian Grimshaw on Thursday to arrange the Data Protection Event.

Scott: Meetings arranged with Pauline Shepherd, NI Water; Carson McDowell Solicitors; Lynn Harris, Wilson Nesbitt Solicitors; Angela Brady, Stewarts Solicitors; Kiera Lee, Mills Selig Solicitors. No shortage of legal advice for Scott this week!

Ainsley: Meeting Regus on Thursday.

Other staff are involved in a 'Splash Marketing' meeting tomorrow and with Richard O'Rawe Associates on Wednesday.

Have a great week!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Guest Writer - Jayne Finlay 4th May 2010

Well May is upon us and here comes another busy week on the Island. No rest for the wicked as we all returned from the May Bank Holiday weekend to face a week of conferences, meetings and breakfast seminars and Irish News Award submissions.

Plans for the week ahead -

  • Ainsley is meeting David Smith from Antrim Hospital re: display board advertising and will also be meeting with Kerry and DCI (PR Agency) re: promoting our breakfast seminars
  • Barry is meeting John Stevenson to discuss future Education events
  • Jayne is looking after Antrim Youth Group as they hire out the training room facilities at Island House
  • Competition heats up as the Legal-Island team get ready to put down their red pens and finish critiquing the Irish News Awards entries...I wonder if we can do a repeat of last year...